To contribute to establishment of the social contracting in order to enable sustainable provision of services to...

Sustainability of services for key populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia region


Alliance for Public Health/Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Start date



To contribute to establishment of the social contracting in order to enable sustainable provision of services to the KAPs by CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Specific objectives: 
1)    to raise awareness and advocate for introduction of the social contracting in the legal framework and health budgets; 
2)    to integrate provision of mobile testing service on HIV into the public health insurance fund’s funding;
to strengthen civil society engagement in policy and budgetary decision making processes to achieve relevant programs scope and quality.

Rationale of the project lies in the need to provide services to the Key Affected Populations by CSOs.  The current legal environment doesn’t enable the health insurance funds to fund the CSOs in provision of those services.  The result, already witnessed in the country after the end of the GFATM funding, was a collapse of services provided to the KAPs by CSOs. This is a priority in provision of tailored testing service outside of the health facilities to the KAPs.  In recent years highest number of newly-identified HIV cases was identified within the KAP population throughout the mobile testing of the KAPs.  Severe reduction of in-house testing in last year has already resulted in poor detection of the new cases and extremely low testing of KAPs.
Vision for next 3-5 years is that Ministry of Civil affairs, Cantonal ministries of Health, Solidarity Funds for Health support HIV programs with budgets in total amount of 300.000 BAM. which would cover costs of HIV preventive services provided by CSOs.

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Am I at Risk?
Thinking about should you test yourself on HIV or where to do that? Run this simple anonymous on-line questionare and find out whether or not you should test yourself…
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Makedonija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Kosovo* i Albanija nalaze se na listi država u kojima se ne preporučuje razboljeti jer je prema navodima International SOS-a u njima loša medicinska skrb, postoji mogućnost zaraze i infekcije, a nezadovoljavajuća je i zdravstvena infrastruktura.
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