
Call for Expression of Interest for development of Conflict of Interest policy and documents. Deadline: 7 Jan 2021.

Expression of Interest

Announcement date: 24.12.2020

Partnerships in Health / SEE Regional Coordinating Mechanism are looking for an individual consultant to develop the Conflict of Interest policy and related documents. Interested candidates should submit their CV and Letter of Interest by 7 January 2021. 

Inquiries and submissions:

(033) 657-652




This “Call for Expression of Interest” is open for Individual Consultants. Candidates should submit their CV and Letter of Interest within the time period specified in this table.



The aim of the Call is to secure an individual consultant who can deliver professional services on a short-term basis for the development of Conflict of Interests policy and documents for Southeast Europe Regional Coordinating Mechanism (SEE RCM).



The Call for Expression of Interest will be open until 7 January 2021 (subject to extension, as needed). Applications will be collected throughout the announcement period of EOI and evaluated daily.



Evaluation Process

Partnerships In Health will evaluate the applications received in a particular interval, within 10 calendar days following the Application Deadline of the respective interval.

The most successful candidates identified in this evaluation will be offered an interview and a seat at the negotiation table. Please do not submit your renumeration requests at this time. 

Expiry date: 07.01.2021

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Makedonija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Kosovo* i Albanija nalaze se na listi država u kojima se ne preporučuje razboljeti jer je prema navodima International SOS-a u njima loša medicinska skrb, postoji mogućnost zaraze i infekcije, a nezadovoljavajuća je i zdravstvena infrastruktura.
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